Wednesday, January 11, 2012

. . . . and 2012 begins

I've started off the new year kind of the way I ended the old.  Negleting my blog.  Not that I have neglected Kingwood Center.  December was a busy time with Kingwood Hall decorated for Christmas.  I assisted in many hours of hostessing in the decorated house.  And as January started up, so did I... helping pack up the Christmas decorations. 
  ===== I have also neglected my pictures, so I took Bonnie H's from the Kingwood Website for this blog without asking. Thanks in advance Bonnie!

As the picute here of Bill Collins in a sea of Christmas aftermath will give you a visual.  What turned out to be my favorate project this year was puttng newspapers in bow rings to keep the felt bows in good shape for next year.  The bows came off the wreaths which decorated the house and there were sooooo many!  It was great fun working with my partner in crime Miss Kathy M.  Lisa Duckworth joined in to help as well.  She is the new volunteer coordinator upon Kay's retiring.  But they gave her a different title of Events Coordinator.  Whatever - more on the 'Whatever Kingwood' in another blog.

Last year I spent most of the tear down time taking lights off the tree.  That would be one of my least favorate jobs.  If you remember there were 7,900 lights on that tree this year.  I was very pleased that the task was for the most part done as we worked on other things.  Here is Glenna Sheaffer finnishing it up.

When I first showed up Jack was loading up the flocked Christmas Tree, that took so much effort by the Johnny Appleseed Garden Club, in a truck to go to the chopper.  I snickered a little as he got flocked lifting up the tree.  He was not quite as amused.  As I came outside later in the day, it was just one of many on the truck.

So to sum it all up, that is much of how I spent my first week of January at Kingwood Center.  I'm glad Bonnie H had her camera those days.

About Me

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Volunteer, member, frequent visitor and photographer of Kingwood Center.